Comet API Tools

This service computes the appropriate fluorescence efficiencies (g-factors) and/or Haser fractions needed to take a molecular flux measurement for a comet and derive a resulting production rate. Five optical/near-UV species are currently supported: OH, NH, CN, C2, C3.

We provide three comet flourescense "calculators" accessible via a REST interface:


Return only the comet fluorescence efficiencies (L/N) from user-supplied heliocentric distance (r) and heliocentric velocity (v).

Haser Fraction

Return only the Haser fraction from user-supplied heliocentric velocity, geocentric distance, and aperture radius.

Compute Qs from Fluxes

Return all values in calculating production rates from params provided input r, Δ, v, aperture radius and fluxes. Return p, log p, area (cm2), L/N, M(p), log M(p), N(p), log N(p), xp, xd, H-frac, M(tot), log M(tot), Q, log Q.


Number of molecules required to produce an observed emission flux for a particular molecular species. If flux has units of ergs/cm2/s, then the standard form of the fluorescence efficiency, luminosity per molecule, i.e. L/N, is needed (having units of ergs/s/molecule). This is what we provide here, both normalized to 1 AU, and again scaled by r-2 to the heliocentric distance requested.

We, along with many researchers, use the generic term "g-factor" as a shorter form of "fluorescence efficiency"; note, however, that true g-factors are defined as having units of photons/s/molecule.



Value Name Units Default
r Heliocentric Distance AU 1
v Heliocentric Velocity km/s 0


  • extrapolated
    Indicates if the spline solution was extrapolated at one or more points
  • raw
    The raw, unformatted, response from the calculator
  • gfactors
    • requested_AU
      • r
        Requested heliocentric distance (AU)
      • v
        Requested heliocentric velocity (km/s)
      • OH
        value of the 0-0 band centered near 3090 Angstroms varies with heliocentric velocity and whether or not the lambda-doublet ground state is quenched (unquenched values are given here); scaled by r-2
      • NH
        value of the Δv=0 band sequence centered near 3360 Angstroms varies both with heliocentric velocity and with r (due to the strong change in the number of rotational levels populated with r). A 2-D table is scaled to 1 AU and double interpolated, then scaled by r-2
      • CN
        value of the Δv=0 band sequence with a band head near 3885 Angstroms varies both with heliocentric velocity and with r (due to the strong change in the number of rotational levels populated with r). A 2-D table is scaled to 1 AU and double interpolated, then scaled by r-2
      • C3
        single value for the C3 band complex which peaks near 4030 Angstroms and extends from 3300 to 4400 Anstroms; scaled by r-2
      • C2
        Ssingle value for Δv=0 band sequence with a band head near 5160 Angstroms; scaled by r-2
    • one_AU
      Same as requested_AU but scaled to 1 AU

  "extrapolated": true,
  "gfactor": {
    "one_AU": {
      "C2": 4.5e-13,
      "C3": 1e-12,
      "CN": 3.33e-13,
      "NH": 7.78e-14,
      "OH": 1.76e-15,
      "r": 1,
      "v": 2.0
    "requested_AU": {
      "C2": 1.25e-14,
      "C3": 2.78e-14,
      "CN": 9.25e-15,
      "NH": 2.16e-15,
      "OH": 4.89e-17,
      "r": 6.0,
      "v": 2.0
  "raw": [
    " Spline was extrapolated at one or more points!",
    " Spline was extrapolated at one or more points!",
    " 6.000   2.00",
    "  1.76E-15  7.78E-14  3.33E-13  1.00E-12  4.50E-13",
    "  4.89E-17  2.16E-15  9.25E-15  2.78E-14  1.25E-14",

Haser Fraction



Value Name Units Default
r Heliocentric Distance AU 1
d Geocentric Distance AU 1
ap Aperature Radius arcsecond 30


  • aperture
    • r
      Heliocentric Distance (AU)
    • delta
      Geocentric Distance (AU)
    • aperture
      Aperature Radius (km)
    • OH
    • NH
    • CN
    • C3
    • C2
  • raw
    The raw, unformatted, response from the calculator
  • scalelength
    • requested_AU
      • parent
        Parent Haser scalelength
        • OH
        • NH
        • CN
        • C2
        • C3
      • daughter
        Same as parent but for daughter Haser scalenlength
    • one_AU
      Same as requested_AU but scaled to 1 AU

  "aperture": {
    "C2": 0.00805,
    "C3": 0.0715,
    "CN": 0.00407,
    "NH": 0.00196,
    "OH": 0.00333,
    "aperture": 10.0,
    "delta": 1.5,
    "r": 2.0
  "raw": [
    " 2.000   1.500     10.0",
    " 1.088E+04",
    "   24000.   50000.   13000.    2800.   22000.",
    "  160000.  150000.  210000.   27000.   66000.",
    "   96000.  200000.   52000.   11200.   88000.",
    "  640000.  600000.  840000.  108000.  264000.",
    "  3.33E-03  1.96E-03  4.07E-03  7.15E-02  8.05E-03",
  "scalelength": {
    "one_AU": {
      "daughter": {
        "C2": 66000.0,
        "C3": 27000.0,
        "CN": 210000.0,
        "NH": 150000.0,
        "OH": 160000.0
      "parent": {
        "C2": 22000.0,
        "C3": 2800.0,
        "CN": 13000.0,
        "NH": 50000.0,
        "OH": 24000.0
      "r": 1.0
    "requested_AU": {
      "daughter": {
        "C2": 264000.0,
        "C3": 108000.0,
        "CN": 840000.0,
        "NH": 600000.0,
        "OH": 640000.0
      "parent": {
        "C2": 88000.0,
        "C3": 11200.0,
        "CN": 52000.0,
        "NH": 200000.0,
        "OH": 96000.0
      "r": 2.0

Compute Qs from Fluxes



Field Name Units Default
r Heliocentric Discance AU 1
d Geocentric Distance AU 1
v Heliocentric Velocity km/s 0
ap Aperture Raduis acrsec 1
oh Flux - OH 0
nh Flux - NH 0
cn Flux - CN 0
c3 Flux - C3 0
c2 Flux - C2 0


  • r
    Heliocentric distance (AU)
  • delta
    Geocentric distance (AU)
  • v
    Heliocentric velocity (km/s)
  • aperture
    Aperture radius (arcsecond)
  • rho
  • log_rho
  • area
    Area (cm2)
  • flux
    • OH
    • NH
    • CN
    • C3
    • C2
  • log_flux
    Same as flux except for
  • gfactor
    Same as flux except for
  • m_rho
    Same as flux except for
  • log_m_rho
    Same as flux except for
  • n_rho
    Same as flux except for
  • log_n_rho
    Same as flux except for
  • xp
    Same as flux except for
  • xd
    Same as flux except for
  • h_fraction
    Same as flux except for
  • m_tot
    Same as flux except for
  • log_m_tot
    Same as flux except for
  • taud
    Same as flux except for
  • q
    Same as flux except for
  • log_q
    Same as flux except for
  • q_div_q_oh
    Same as flux except for

  "aperture": 1.0,
  "area": 1.65e+16,
  "delta": 1.0,
  "flux": {
    "C2": 0.7,
    "C3": 1.0,
    "CN": 0.5,
    "NH": 0.0,
    "OH": 0.0
  "gfactor": {
    "C2": 4.5e-13,
    "C3": 1e-12,
    "CN": 2.85e-13,
    "NH": 6.7e-14,
    "OH": 1.56e-15
  "h_fraction": {
    "C2": 0.000811,
    "C3": 0.00944,
    "CN": 0.000416,
    "NH": 0.000186,
    "OH": 0.000327
  "log_flux": {
    "C2": -0.15,
    "C3": 0.0,
    "CN": -0.3,
    "NH": 0.0,
    "OH": 0.0
  "log_m_rho": {
    "C2": "inf",
    "C3": "inf",
    "CN": "inf",
    "NH": 0.0,
    "OH": 0.0
  "log_m_tot": {
    "C2": "inf",
    "C3": "inf",
    "CN": "inf",
    "NH": 0.0,
    "OH": 0.0
  "log_n_rho": {
    "C2": "inf",
    "C3": "inf",
    "CN": "inf",
    "NH": 0.0,
    "OH": 0.0
  "log_q": {
    "C2": "inf",
    "C3": "inf",
    "CN": "inf",
    "NH": 0.0,
    "OH": 0.0
  "log_rho": 2.86,
  "m_rho": {
    "C2": "inf",
    "C3": "inf",
    "CN": "inf",
    "NH": 0.0,
    "OH": 0.0
  "m_tot": {
    "C2": "inf",
    "C3": "inf",
    "CN": "inf",
    "NH": 0.0,
    "OH": 0.0
  "n_rho": {
    "C2": "inf",
    "C3": "inf",
    "CN": "inf",
    "NH": 0.0,
    "OH": 0.0
  "q": {
    "C2": "inf",
    "C3": "inf",
    "CN": "inf",
    "NH": 0.0,
    "OH": 0.0
  "q_div_q_oh": {
    "C2": "inf",
    "C3": "inf",
    "CN": "inf",
    "NH": "nan",
    "OH": "nan"
  "r": 1.0,
  "rho": 725.0,
  "taud": {
    "C2": 66000.0,
    "C3": 27000.0,
    "CN": 210000.0,
    "NH": 150000.0,
    "OH": 160000.0
  "v": 1.0,
  "xd": {
    "C2": 66000.0,
    "C3": 27000.0,
    "CN": 210000.0,
    "NH": 150000.0,
    "OH": 160000.0
  "xp": {
    "C2": 22000.0,
    "C3": 2800.0,
    "CN": 13000.0,
    "NH": 50000.0,
    "OH": 24000.0